What Steps is The Redwoods Taking to Ensure Against a COVID-19 Outbreak?
The Redwoods follows the guidance from the county, state and CDC. The course and severity of the virus is frequently changing. When there are contradictory requirements between the most current CDC, CDPH, CDSS, and MPHD orders we follow the strictest requirements.
In addition to our infection control policies and procedures, The Redwoods has emergency disaster plans. The plans include steps to take should an outbreak occur. The prevention, containment and mitigation measures we take are essential parts of The Redwoods efforts to stop the spread of the virus. Testing is one of the tools used to intervene early and reduce the spread of COVID-19.So far, no resident has tested positive for the virus. Further, all new residents goes through a 14 day quarantine period. Also all residents who leave for an overnight or more, are quarantined.
Testing does not replace or preclude other infection prevention and control interventions. These other measures include: monitoring all residents and staff for symptoms of COVID-19; testing and stringent return to work policies; universal masking by residents and team members (covering the nose and mouth) for source control; use of recommended personal protective equipment (PPE);efforts to maintain a 6 foot physical distance whenever practical; limiting gatherings to 10 persons or less; restricting in-person visits; encouraging residents to stay on campus; environmental cleaning and disinfection.