Powering Up
In the fall Review, we shared our efforts to acquire a new emergency generator that will provide a long-term answer to meeting the electrical power needs of our entire campus. We are delighted to report that the new generator, along with a refillable tank that will hold four days of fuel, has been approved, purchased and is being installed.
“This emergency generator will go a long way in providing security and safety for the moderate and low-income residents we serve, as well as provide a safe haven for residents in the surrounding community, in the event of planned outages during wildfire season and other emergencies,” explained CEO Hunter Moore.
Originally estimated at $500,000, fundraising efforts are underway to raise the balance needed to purchase and install the generator, the cost of which has increased to $1.2 million due to regulatory requirements, supply chain challenges and increased demands for emergency power in our area. “We’ve been fortunate to have raised a significant portion of the difference to date, but the bulk of the remainder is still to be raised,” reported Christian Mills, Director of Development. If anyone would like to donate, they should contact Christian Mills, Director of Fund Development, at cmills@theredwoods.org or (415) 383-1600 ext. 267.
Pictured left to right: Rezvan Jorshary, Project Manager, dsk Architects; Geoffrey Massa, COO, Nelson T. Lewis Construction Co.; Lynette Clark, CFO, The Redwoods; Jim Wickham, Vice Mayor of MillValley; J. Hunter Moore, CEO, The Redwoods; Stephanie Moulton-Peters, Marin County Supervisor for Southern Marin; Taylor Kelly, Director of Facilities/ EVS, The Redwoods; Christian Mills, Director of Fund Development, The Redwoods.